Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions are medications which appear on the reverse of your prescription which your doctor would like you to continue on a regular basis.

How to request a Repeat Prescription

Repeat prescriptions may be ordered in several ways:

Order your prescription Online

In Person

Fill in a prescription request form or underline the items needed on the tear-off side of your prescription and drop it into the surgery. Please do not order any medications you do not need.


If a stamped addressed envelope is supplied, your prescription can be returned via Royal Mail. Find our postal address.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your repeat medication is ordered in plenty of time. so please allow up to 2 working days for routine repeat prescription requests.

If you have run out of ’emergency medication’ which includes anti-epileptic medication, insulin, inhalers and adrenaline pens for anaphylaxis please let us know as soon as possible. You may need a Telephone Consultation with the GP Clinical Pharmacist or a Doctor

If you run out of medication outside of our opening hours, please call 111 from your phone, who will be able to assist you

If you normally take regular repeat medication please book an appointment with a Health Care Assistant before you need to request more medication. When you attend your appointment please bring with you a copy of your repeat prescription slip from your previous GP or a list of your medication and the packaging. It can take a week or two for your records to be delivered to us from your previous GP surgery

Please allow up to 2 working days for a prescription request to be processed

Requesting Online

You are able to request your repeat prescription via our online services; Systm Online.

Why does it take 2 working days to process a repeat prescription request?

Lady Margaret Road Medical Centre prescriptions are requested every day.

Our prescription clerk has to check your medical records to ensure that your medication request is on your repeat prescription, it then goes to our Clinical Pharmacist or Doctor to authorise and ensure that it is still appropriate for you. Once authorised, our reception team will file your prescription ready for collection.

Delays may occur if any medication requested is not on your repeat prescription list or if your medication request differs from what is on your list. Your doctor may also request that you make an appointment to have your medication reviewed.

Please book a Telephone Consultation with the GP Clinical Pharmacist to request medication that is not on your repeat list but may be needed on an ad-hoc basis e.g. hay-fever medication.

If you have an on-going problem and would like another prescription of a medication previously prescribed to you by a doctor but not on your repeat list you should also book a Telephone Consultation with the GP Clinical Pharmacist

Written requests for non-repeat medication may take more than 2 working days to process as the doctor may wish to speak with you